God Loves to Throw Surprise Parties.

Bongos Okoh
3 min readApr 12, 2024


Doesn’t He?

Sometimes, it might feel like God has forgotten about you, but actually, He’s getting ready to give you a big surprise. He always does more than what you hoped for.

Every time you go through very dark moments and periods in your life, God has switched off the lights to throw you a surprise party. Hold on!

The problem most times is that people give up on God and think he would never show up, that’s why people commit suicide, run away from God, or choose alternative means that will eventually lead to ruin, to solve their problems.

Here are a few biblical examples to show that our God loves surprises. There are so many but let’s take a few:

Abraham and Sarah received a child named Isaac when they were much older than the usual age for having children. Abraham was 99 years old! They didn’t think it could happen, but God gave them a wonderful surprise.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were faced with a huge challenge when they chose not to worship the golden statue in Babylon. They were thrown into a blazing furnace. God could have saved them before they were thrown in, but He had a different plan.

I could imagine the fourth Man in the fire saying, “Do you think I can only save you from the fire? Watch this — I’ll be right there with you in the flames, and you won’t be hurt at all! There’s nothing too hard for Me!” And just like that, they were completely unharmed by the fire.

It shows us that God loves to do the unexpected. He’s right there with us, even in our toughest times, and He has the power to save us in ways we can’t even imagine.

Daniel who chose to pray to God when there was a law that he should not, was thrown into the lion's den. God could have saved him before he entered the lion's den but he didn’t. He saved him inside the den. Imagine how surprised Daniel would have been.

It was simply God showing him, I created the lions, and I can command them. The king of Babylon was definitely surprised that the lions didn’t eat Daniel. He attested to the greatness of Daniel’s God.

No matter the lion's den you are in now, God is sending his angels to shut the mouth of the lions. You will be surprised how you came out without the lions eating you up.

The devil believed he had won when Jesus died on the cross. But three days later, he was in for the biggest surprise ever — Jesus rose from the dead! Just like that, anyone who has counted you out, any challenge that seems to have beaten you, is going to be shocked. You’re coming back stronger!

We could keep on going on and on with so many examples. There are so many in the Bible.

Our God is full of surprises, isn’t He?

God will always surpass the last surprise in your life with something even more incredible and wonderful.

Remember every time you are going through very dark moments and periods in your life, God has switched off the lights to throw you a surprise party. Hold on!

May God surprise you today.



Bongos Okoh

Public Speaker | Writer | Committed to helping people become their best version and live a life of Purpose. Email: bongosokoh@gmail.com