Have That “No Gree” Until God Answers You Kind of Faith — Jesus to His Disciples.

Bongos Okoh
3 min readApr 19, 2024


There’s a vital lesson for everyone trusting God to come through.

Photo by Samuel Martins on Unsplash

In Luke 18:1–8, Jesus told his disciples a story about not giving up. He told them the parable of the widow who kept disturbing a Judge who didn’t fear God or Man to bring justice to her enemy.

The Judge refused to answer the widow but she kept on disturbing him. She’s at him day and night, buzzing in his ear, ‘I need justice, only you can help me, please help me!’. He is trying to sleep, trying to live his life, but she’s relentless, Judge, are you going to help me or what?’ And he keeps brushing her off, but she doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

Finally, the judge can’t take it anymore. The disturbance was too much and he’s like, ‘Alright, alright, you win! Please don’t wear me out! I’ll give you your justice, just let me have some peace!’ And just like that, she gets what she’s been after.

The woman got her answer not because she asked once, or twice, she got her answer because she “no gree” for the judge until she got her answer. Don’t forget that the man didn’t even fear God or any man but because of the widow's persistence, he had to answer.

After telling the story about the widow and the judge, Jesus wraps it up with a powerful point. He says, ‘See that judge, the one who didn’t care about anyone or feared God and man? Even he caved and gave the widow justice because she wouldn’t stop knocking on his door and crying out to him.

Now, think about God. He’s nothing like that judge. He cares about His people, the ones He’s chosen. They’re calling out to Him, day and night, asking for help. And you know what? God hears them. He’s not going to drag His feet. He’ll step in and make things right, and He’ll do it quickly!’

But then Jesus throws in a deep question. He asks, ‘When the Son of Man comes back, what’s He going to find? Will He find faith on earth?’ It’s like He’s challenging us, asking if we’ll have that never-give-up kind of faith, that “no gree” until God answers you kind of faith, the kind that keeps knocking, keeps believing, no matter what.

When it comes to God, persistence is a show of faith, it lets God know you have no other source of help than Him. Faith pleases God, it is impossible to please Him without faith. He is a good and loving Father, He will come through for you quickly.

Never give up on God. It’s okay to show up with the same prayer request every day, it’s not a lack of faith, it’s a testament to your faith, a sign that you’re holding on, believing that the answer is on its way. Keep praying until your answer comes, those whose hope is in God can never be disappointed.

No gree until God answers you.

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1 (NIV)



Bongos Okoh
Bongos Okoh

Written by Bongos Okoh

Public Speaker | Writer | Committed to helping people become their best version and live a life of Purpose. Email: bongosokoh@gmail.com

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