Bongos Okoh
4 min readApr 19, 2017


John 1:35-50

This passage is basically about how Jesus met His first disciples. It all started with John introducing Jesus to two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus He introduced Him to them immediately. He knew who Jesus is, he knew he is the savior of the world, he knew he was the one that had come to deliver them from all their troubles and He didn't hesitate! (Vs 35) "Look, the Lamb of God!"
After the introduction they followed Jesus.

In (Vs 40) Andrew, One of the disciples that heard what John said and followed Jesus didn't hesitate telling his brother about Jesus. (Vs 41) It was the "first" thing He did when he met Jesus. He told Peter "We have found the Messiah!!" And then he brought him to Jesus.
In (Vs 43) After Jesus found Philip the next thing Philip did was to find Nathanael and he told him "We have the one Moses wrote about in the Law, about whom the Prophets also wrote - Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph!

All Andrew and Philip had to do was introduce Jesus to Peter and Nathanael respectively after they met Jesus.
*They did not force them to join them in meeting Jesus!!
*They only told them about the One they have met.

A lot of us have friends and siblings who don't even know about Jesus. We live with them, we always talk to them about every other thing "except" about the one that matters most Jesus!
You don't need to force them, you just have to tell them who Jesus is, what he has done for you, what he can do. Once you encounter him, don't hold back, tell others about him so they can enjoy him too.

Like I said you don't need to force them, In (Vs 46) Nathanael said "Nazareth! Can anything good come out of there?
Nathanael doubted the authenticity of Jesus, he doubted what Philip said, but:
*Did Philip force him to understand?
*Did Philip get angry that Nathanael doubted what he was saying?
HEY!! Your work is just to INTRODUCE Jesus!

All Philip said was Come and see!!!
You don't force you just introduce Jesus.
You take them to the place where they can meet Jesus.
The beauty of the finished work of Jesus now is Jesus is available everywhere. They don't even need to move anywhere for them to meet Jesus. He is right there where you are doing His introduction!

After Andrew and Philip introduced Jesus, Jesus himself took over when He saw those that He was introduced to, He started telling them things about themselves, see your work is just to introduce, after that just give way to Jesus to do His thing. He understands them best, He knows the right words that will capture their hearts. After the introduction the rest is His job!
1 Corinthians 3:7
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

All you have to do is tell that person who Jesus is, who He is too you, what He has done for you. You don't need to force anyone to understand. That's why there is the Holy Spirit. The One that speaks only what Jesus speaks. He will do the job. He will start telling them things they have done, how he has been calling them, how he has been keeping them just introduce him.
Yes you have to do the introduction that's your job. That'd why he said we should go and make disciples of all nations! (Matthew 28:19-20)

The conversion is not your work, yours is to Introduce!
After the conversion, then you beign more experienced in Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit can now start teaching them the words and commandments of Jesus according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

You see a lot of people today who go out for altar call every now and then and yet still fall back into sin. It's basically because they were never properly introduced to Jesus. What some of the Pastors that made that altar used to call them to the altar was mostly by using the fear of going to hell or dying and they never really introduced them to the Savior.. They where never introduced to the Loving Jesus.

You don't force people to know Jesus. You just introduce Jesus.
There are some people who in the confides of their room have given their life to Jesus without any altar call but someone might have just introduced Jesus to them and in their room that night Jesus began speaking to them personally. They gave their life to Jesus there and they have never been the same.
Just do your part! Introduce someone to Jesus Today!

If Andrew never introduced Jesus to Peter, Peter would never have become the rock upon which the Church will be built. (Matthew 16:18)
Someone's destiny lies in you introducing Jesus to them.

John 4 Vs 39-42

Many people believe in Jesus because the woman shared the testimony of how she was saved to the people.
She used to the story to make other people believe. When you are saved or you are delivered from a particular sin or thing, use your story to change lives. Don't just keep it a secret. You have no idea how many people might be suffering from what you were suffering.

In vs 42, they believed the more after they had a personal encounter with Jesus.

Be blessed beyond measure as you do this!

-Bongos Okoh

Bongos Okoh

Public Speaker | Writer | Committed to helping people become their best version and live a life of Purpose. Email: