Reflections On My Birthday, 10th July 2024
What a year the past year has been. Wheew!
I have reflected on the past year since my last birthday and I would love to share some of my darkest times, how I got over it, and the lessons I learned within the year with you.
A) Heartbreak and Healing
My birthday last year wasn’t one of the best I have had. That season was one of the darkest days in my life. An unexpected heartbreak had shattered my world, leaving me spiraling downward. Nothing seemed to make sense, and so many questions ran through my head, the nights were long. I longed to scream, to release the pain, I couldn’t before everyone around me thought I was running mad. Instead, my heart silently screamed, its intensity capable of shaking the very ground beneath me.
Fighting for a relationship that was already lost, drained me. This was my first major heartbreak, I really don’t wish it on anyone but if you ever experience one or are currently going through one, I hope you learn something that will aid your healing from this piece.
I probably felt every negative emotion possible: sadness, bitterness, hatred, confusion, and a sense of being lost and ‘not good enough.’ Looking back now, I thank God for good friends who were there for me, offering constant words of encouragement. True friends who stand by you in your darkest times are invaluable. God bless my friends.
However, I ultimately thank God for God. Truly God is close to the brokenhearted. I never understood why most people all of a sudden got closer to God when they were heartbroken but this was a first-hand experience for me. God was my only solace, talking to God and spending time with Him was the only thing that made sense to me, or rather made me have sense.
A few months before this season came upon me, while studying my Bible I stumbled on Psalms 73:21–24. It is about David who was deeply grieved and embittered. The verses 21–24 says:
[21] When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered,
[22] I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you.
[23] Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.
[24] You guide me with your counsel, and afterward, you will take me into glory.
Verse 23, was it for me, Yet I am always with you. Despite how hurt David was he understood that to come out of it, he had to stay with God, it was God that would counsel him and lead him into glory, into a good place.
It was as though God had prepared my heart for that season even without me knowing, but while in the season he reminded me of the verses. So, I knew my only way out was to always stay with God. Stay with God I did.
In the following days and weeks, those negative emotions would gradually leave, during prayers, studying, and meditations, I started having a better understanding of how I could start to come out of it.
Some of the things I learned are:
· No matter how hurt you are, never get bitter toward the one that caused the hurt. The devil wants you bitter because it’s the opposite of love. The devil will want to keep you there, you are God’s child, God is love, and you are commanded to love.
· Everyone has the right to choose what’s best for them even if it doesn’t include you anymore and that’s okay. If being without you will help them live their best lives and help them become all that God has made them for, then you have to make peace with it, appreciate the times you spent together, and wish them the best.
· Never feel not good enough. You are good enough for God just the way you are and that’s the most important thing. However, Introspect, if there was anything you weren’t good at or if there was any flaw you had in your previous relationship be sincere with yourself and fix up. Your next partner deserves your best. God has amazing sons and daughters but he wants the best for them. Work on yourself to be that best.
· When you love again, love like you have never been hurt. That’s what God expects. No matter how many times his heart has been broken, He still loves all of us unconditionally. Your new partner mustn’t suffer for what someone else caused. Make sure you are ready before you go in.
These were some of the lessons that helped me heal quickly, the most important advice I will give you however is what worked for David and what has worked for me. STAY WITH GOD. It doesn’t matter if your heartbreak was from a relationship or from the death of a loved one or via any other means, stay with God, he will lead you to glory.
B) Growth and its Challenges
One of the decisions I made on my last birthday which is in ‘Reflections on My Birthday’ for 2023 was to be intentional about my growth. After the dark season of heartbreak, I set out on my goal to grow and become better in every way possible. We all have so much potential and things we could become if we will genuinely work on ourselves. God has put so much in us. This past year I learned that in the discovery of your purpose, you must be willing to take action and not be stuck in your comfort zone or the cycle of preparation. I did take action!
This past year birthed:
The Gathering of Kings.
With the help of my friends, I was able to organize the first edition of the Gathering of Kings where I brought men from different backgrounds and walks of life to meet, talk, discuss deep issues bothering men and pray. It was also a good medium to remind ourselves that we are Kings and to be the best version of men God created us to be.
Whispers from Eternity.
This is a platform where I share simple stories that help people understand God’s Word. These stories show God’s truth in ways that everyone can easily relate to. I have put out posts on Whispers from Eternity for the past 14 Wednesdays without missing any.
You can click on this link to download all the Stories from Whispers from Eternity in PDF format for free.
Alongside these two major things birthed, I have been posting motivational and spiritual growth articles on Medium weekly. I have taken courses in areas I want to be better professionally and I have also read books in areas I needed improvements as well. It’s been quite challenging.
One of the things I had to deal with was my comfort zone, it took me a while, but I realized my comfort zone was holding me back, slowly chipping away at my dreams and what I could be.
Stretch! Don’t let your comfort zone stop you from becoming all you could be. I wrote an article on ‘How Your Comfort Zone is Killing Your Dreams and Potentials and How to Break Free. If you are struggling with being stuck in your comfort zone kindly read it, I believe it will be of great help to you. I broke free from my comfort zone and chose being committed to my goals instead.
Despite the challenges, growing and becoming better has been worth it. The feedback from people worldwide about how my write-ups have helped them pull through tough times and become better makes it all truly worth it.
God is the most important part of every year. Looking back at last year, I wouldn’t be here without the help of God. God kept me steady through turbulent and challenging times. The highlight of last year for me when it came to my relationship with God, was when I truly understood John 1: 12-13:
12] Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
[13] children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
It took my relationship with God to a brand new level. I now fully understand what it means to be God’s Child, to be Born of God. Verse 13 was what really had me. The day I gave my life to Christ, I was no longer born of human decision or a man’s will, but Born of God. My Family is God’s family, from that day my bloodline is God’s bloodline.
Knowing God is my Father gave me the courage to face the year head on! My father is the most powerful, he owns everything and above all my Father is a responsible Father.
Truly I have tasted and seen that God is Good. His Favor has clearly been upon my life and I have truly enjoyed it.
You can be part of the family too if you aren’t yet. Make God your Father by giving your life to Jesus Christ, He is the best Father you could ever have, and if you are already part of the family, spend time with Daddy, knowing him will help you know you and all that has been made available for your victory in this world!
There’s much more to write, but this is already quite long. I will continue putting out articles to help people grow spiritually and personally. Follow me so you don’t miss out. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you learned something.
Happy Birthday to Me!