The Impact of Careless Words: Adekunle's Story

Bongos Okoh
3 min readMar 27, 2024


Your words can kill or give life. Let’s all learn from Adekunle’s story.

Photo from unsplash

Adekunle woke up with a heavy sigh. “Another morning,” he thought. Lately, sleep was his only break from the tough times he faced. Life felt too hard, and no matter how much he tried, he seemed to get little in return. Work stress and family pressures were piling up. His girlfriend had left him, saying she couldn’t see a bright future together. He felt like he was at the edge of giving up.

Still, he had to get up, shower, and prepare for a job he didn’t like. The job didn’t pay well, and with Nigeria’s economy struggling, he hardly had any money left after paying for his daily commute.

As he was about to leave his house, a voice in his head said, “Your life is worthless. Why not end it all?” It was a dark thought that seemed to come from nowhere.

Walking to the bus stop, he couldn’t stop thinking about that voice. Its words started to make sense to him, which scared him.

As Adekunle trudged towards the bus stop, his steps heavy with the weight of his thoughts, he encountered a familiar face. One of his friends Chima, with a chuckle, called out, “Off to carry your useless self to that useless office again, eh?” It was meant as a joke, a jab between friends, but to Adekunle, it hit hard because they sounded just like the voice in his head. The words, though spoken in jest, clung to him.

On the bus, he accidentally stepped on a woman’s shoes. Her name was Ibinabo, and she got very angry. Adekunle said sorry, but she kept yelling at him. In the middle of her anger, she said, “You’re useless. You might as well end your life.” Her harsh words were another cut in his already wounded spirit. It was another confirmation of his deepest fears.

That voice came back, stronger this time. “See? Your friend agrees, this lady who doesn’t even know you agrees. Just end it and find peace.” Feeling hopeless, Adekunle asked the bus driver to stop. Everyone was surprised because they knew it was on the highway. But the driver stopped anyway.

Adekunle got off the bus and, in a moment of deep sadness, jumped in front of a moving truck. He believed the lies the voice told him. Chima’s joke and Ibinabo’s outburst had matched the devil’s whispers. Chima was only joking and Ibinabo probably didn’t mean what she said; she didn’t even know Adekunle, she was just angry. But their careless words had a big impact.

We should always think before we speak. Our words can either help or hurt someone deeply. Many people are fighting tough battles, and the devil tries to use every chance to put negative thoughts in their heads. Let’s not be the ones who confirm the devil’s words and make those thoughts stronger. Be careful with your words, even the subtle careless jokes you make could be used by the devil, be deliberate with what you say, let your words give life always!

Proverbs 12:18

The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.



Bongos Okoh

Public Speaker | Writer | Committed to helping people become their best version and live a life of Purpose. Email: